DCU High Performance Centre have developed a program for Barefoot.ie which aims to improve an individuals functional movement capabilities during barefoot exercise. At present most people wear overly structured shoes that in many instances do not allow the lower limb joints to function correctly and in turn these joints may be placed under excessive stress leading to discomfort, pain and often injury.
Our programme will outline a step-by-step process whereby any individual can improve their functional movement ability through a series of mobilisation and strengthening exercises. As the functional ability of most peoples feet is severely lacking; mobilisation and strengthening exercises for feet will be at the forefront of the programme. However, exercises will be incorporated for the full lower limb kinematic chain.
The programme objective is to enable individuals to run 5km with the correct functional form and pain free running. The program with last for 12 weeks with each step taking 2 weeks.
We will be introducing this program in the next few weeks beginning with step 1. We will be announcing the first step on our Facebook page, so be sure to click 'Like'.
When you begin to run barefoot you will be engaging muscles, tendons and ligaments that have under utilised for some time so it is important to take time to improve the flexibility and mobility of our feet and lower limbs. The Stretching and Mobility exercises in Step 1 are an important part of barefoot running and will be the beginning of each step as the program progresses. Go to Step 1.
Continue to apply the exercises learned in Step 1 and add the following foot strengthening exercises. Foot strength is a vital component to Barefoot Running so it is important to take your time and learn these fundamental exercises. Movement is introduced in Step 2 however it begins slowly with a combination of walking and short jogs. Go to Step 2.
Continue to apply the Strengthening exercises and add the following whole body movements to help to increase overall athletic movement capabilities. Running/Walking routines continue with the ratios of running to walking increasing as well as the overall duration. Go to Step 3.
Similar to Barefoot Running Step 3 however you should feel more comfortable moving Barefoot. Continue to apply the Strengthening exercises and add the following whole body movements to help to increase overall athletic movement capabilities. Running/Walking routines continue with the ratios of running to walking increasing as well as the overall duration. Go to Step 4.
At DCU Sport our state of the art High Performance Centre is designed to assist elite and developing athletes by providing effective solutions to their every training need; thereby helping them to achieve their individual targets through sports specific training.
A team of full time strength and conditioning coaches and athletic therapists are available to cater for all you prehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports performance enhancement needs. From the elite internationals to recreational club teams the High Performance Centre's aim is to further develop our current elite athlete profile while staying true to our "Sport for All" policy by catering for the keen amateur sportsperson.
Whilst we have a major role to play in the development of sport on the DCU Campus, we also cater for teams and individuals with no affiliation to Dublin City University. Under the guidance of Sydney 2000 Olympian Martina McCarthy DCU Sport High Performance has developed strong relations with a wide range of organisations and clubs from all over Ireland. Our team offers one on one and group sessions to athletes of all levels as well as a coaching consultancy service to groups and teams
For more information on services provided log on to: http://www.dcu.ie/dcusport/high_performance.shtml Find DCU Sport on Facebook or phone 01 700 5797
Glute 1
This could also be done lying on your back if you find balancing challenging.Glute 2
Ball roll massage
Ankle mobs
Hip mobility
Start off walking at a brisk pace in Vibrams or barefoot for an initial period of 15 minutes three times per week in week 1 and 20 minutes three times per week in week 2. Walking may be done on the same day as the stretching/ mobility but it does not have to. However, it is suggested that you use the walks as a warm up for the stretching routine.
Step 2
Having spent 2 weeks learing the Stretching and Mobility exercises you can now move on to Transitioning to Barefoot Running Step 2
** Medical Disclaimer **
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This training programme is intended as a guide to the transition from shod running to barefoot running. For a comprehensive, individualised programme please contact DCU Sport High Performance Centre. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider. Mild soreness after exercise may be experienced after beginning any new exercise regime. Contact your physician or physio/ athletic therapist if the soreness does not improve after 2-3 days.
Pick ups with feet
Towel claws
Safe squats
Side lunge
Start off week 3 by walking at a brisk pace in Vibrams/ barefoot for a period of 5 minutes, followed by alternating light jogging for 1 minute, walking for 1 minute for a total of 10 minutes. Finish with 5 minutes walking. Do this three times per week.
For week 4 add 5 minutes to the jogging/ walking portion of each session making sessions 25 minutes in total. Do this three times per week.
Walking/ jogging may be done on the same day as the strengthening exercises but it does not have to. However, it is suggested that you continue to use the walks as a warm up for the stretching routine.
Once you have completed Barefoot Running Steps 1 & 2 you can move on to Barefoot Running Step 3.
** Medical Disclaimer **
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This training programme is intended as a guide to the transition from shod running to barefoot running. For a comprehensive, individualised programme please contact DCU Sport High Performance Centre. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider. Mild soreness after exercise may be experienced after beginning any new exercise regime. Contact your physician or physio/ athletic therapist if the soreness does not improve after 2-3 days.
Complete these movements for a distance of 15 metres, walk back to the start and repeat for a total of 3 reps per movement. For lateral movements, complete facing both directions.
Key points:
Side skips
Crab Walks
Knee Flicks
Toe Offs
Start off week 5 by walking at a brisk pace in Vibrams/ barefoot for a period of 5 minutes, followed by alternating light jogging for 2 minute, walking for 1 minute for a total of 15 minutes. Finish with 5 minutes walking. Do this three times per week.
For week 6 add 5 minutes to the jogging/ walking portion of each session making sessions 30 minutes in total. Do this three times per week.
Walking/ jogging may be done on the same day as the strengthening exercises but it does not have to. However, it is suggested that you continue to use the walks as a warm up for the stretching routine.
Step 4
You can now move on to Transitioning to Barefoot Running Step 4
** Medical Disclaimer **
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This training programme is intended as a guide to the transition from shod running to barefoot running. For a comprehensive, individualised programme please contact DCU Sport High Performance Centre. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider. Mild soreness after exercise may be experienced after beginning any new exercise regime. Contact your physician or physio/ athletic therapist if the soreness does not improve after 2-3 days.
For week 6 and 7; walk at a brisk pace in Vibrams FiveFingers / barefoot for a period of 5 minutes, followed by alternating light jogging for 3 minute, walking for 1 minute for a total of 20 minutes. Finish with 5 minutes walking. Do this three times per week.
Walking / jogging may be done on the same day as the strengthening exercises but it does not have to. However, it is suggested that you continue to use the walks as a warm up for the stretching routine.
** Medical Disclaimer **
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This training programme is intended as a guide to the transition from shod running to barefoot running. For a comprehensive, individualised programme please contact DCU Sport High Performance Centre. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider. Mild soreness after exercise may be experienced after beginning any new exercise regime. Contact your physician or physio/ athletic therapist if the soreness does not improve after 2-3 days.
NOTE: This can all be done at the beginning of a normal run, so that it doesn't interfere with your normal schedule, just switch back into your normal shoes after you have finished the VFF part.
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